History with a twist

History does not wait for people to find it - history needs to be written. This needs to be the basis for any work on history. Yet, at the same time it is a major challenge for both professional history writing and contemporary societies. History is partly subjective: the facts never change, but our interpretations change depending on the country, culture and the time in question. This has led some to believe that anyone can re-write history to serve political or personal goals. Populist parties, even governments, in Europe have interpreted history to serve political ends against historians understanding of the past. Anyone can interpret the past - but needs the right tools, historical sources, sharp mind and understanding of research ethics.

I taught history at the University of Jyväskylä for twenty years before moving to the University of Eastern Finland in spring 2024. Working with students has taught me a great deal about the essence of history. I have also learned a lot about how to teach, how to present things, and how to engage audiences.

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